ICN Image Use Policy 

As an organization, Integral Christian Network has always placed an emphasis on embracing our diverse, various ways of knowing and learning. The psychologist Carl Jung said that deep transformation happens primarily in the presence of images. They alone can touch the unconscious—in one invasive and healing reconfiguration of the soul. Words alone can leave us trapped in mental static and can only take us so far.

In this spirit, ICN has in our weekly articles and on our website, employed numerous images and artwork that we feel represents and illuminates the psychospiritual energy of the words, concepts, and spiritual practices that we share. Mystical experience is never captured in concepts and textual description alone.

Our approach to using images from a wide variety of talented and wonderful artists has been under the “Fair Use” policy in the United States that does not infringe upon the owner’s rights because of our “transformative” use in a different manner for educational purposes in a nonprofit setting. Recently, we have been challenged by a copyright claim on one of the images we used for an article in the past.

While there are many gray areas in how copyright law is applied and interpreted, we want to hold ourselves to standards that are in line with our organizational purpose and values, honoring and deeply valuing the creative work of artists and the power of art in serving and catalyzing the loving evolution and transformation of Christianity and the world.

We have always sought to do all we can to give proper image credit when it could be found, and at times to seek explicit permission from artists for the use of their work.

Going forward, we have decided to adopt a more stringent policy and approach to our use of images, using only that which is explicitly licensed or granted permission. We are also choosing to employ the use of AI imagery that we create, which is not eligible for copyright.

While we make this shift, we are removing images from previous articles that may be in any question of not falling under this new policy. We will be replacing imagery in our archives as we are able and time permits.

ICN is a network community of many talented and gifted individuals in numerous areas, including artistic expression. If you or someone you know might be interested in having your artwork featured on our website, please feel free to offer a submission of your works, website, or specific portfolio.

Additionally, if you have any questions or concerns about this policy and ICN’s use of any specific imagery on our website and materials, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

You can contact us at: admin@integralchristiannetwork.com

Luke Healy
Executive Director
Integral Christian Network