More Signs You Are Waking Up


Part Six: Welcoming Expanded Consciousness/Spirit Into Your Life

In this last part of our series on welcoming expanded consciousness, we continue to briefly explore some signs that signal that we are on the journey of waking up spiritually. Remember, a spiritual awakening is a continuing and highly individual experience; not everyone will go through all these signs. You may want to note which ones apply to your journey.  

While these signs can vary from person to person, here are some more common indicators that you may be moving into a state of expanded consciousness.


9. A Strong Connection to Nature

As your spirit consciousness awakens, you are drawn to nature, even more than in the past, looking for a deep and meaningful relationship with the natural world. This goes beyond simple exposure to natural environments and involves a profound sense of belonging, appreciation, and interconnectedness with the Earth and its living beings.  

People with a strong connection to nature often feel a sense of awe and wonder when they encounter natural landscapes, wildlife, or even the smallest elements of the natural world, such as plants and insects.

They often experience positive emotions like joy, peace, and serenity when outdoors or immersing themselves in natural settings.

This strong connection to nature can lead to a heightened awareness of environmental issues and a desire to protect and preserve the natural world.

You may long to spend time outdoors, practicing mindfulness in natural settings, learning about different ecosystems and wildlife, and participating in activities that promote environmental sustainability. Engaging in activities like hiking, gardening, birdwatching, or stargazing can also enhance this connection and foster a greater appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

10. Expanded Sense of Time and Space

You may experience, at times, or even most of the time, a shift in your perception of time and space, feeling more fluid and expansive rather than confined by linear thinking.

This is the subjective experience or altered state of consciousness where you perceive time and space differently than your normal state of awareness. When you experience an expanded sense of time, you may feel that time slows down or stretches out, making short periods seem much longer than they actually are. Or you may also feel that time accelerates, making more extended periods feel like they pass by instantly. This distortion of time perception can lead to a heightened awareness of the present moment and a sense of timelessness or time dilation.

An expanded sense of space can involve a feeling of vastness or connectedness with the surrounding environment. You may feel a part of something larger than yourself, experiencing a sense of unity with nature or the universe. This perception of space can also involve feelings of being "outside" or transcending the physical boundaries of your body and connecting with a greater reality.

These experiences can be meaningful and insightful, or they can also be disorienting or overwhelming. That eventually evens out.


11. Serenity

Serenity comes from feelings of contentment, peace, and happiness. A sense of peacefulness and serenity can become more prevalent daily, even amidst challenges and difficulties.

Serenity is a state of calmness, tranquility, and inner peace. A deep stillness and centeredness arises when your mind is free from agitation and stress. Serenity can be experienced during moments of meditation, when surrounded by nature, or when one finds a quiet and peaceful environment. It is a state of emotional balance and a sense of being untroubled by external circumstances. Serenity allows you to feel a sense of acceptance and harmony with yourself and the world around you.


12. Alignment with Higher Purpose

Alignment with a higher purpose refers to living your life in harmony with your core values, beliefs, and aspirations. It is often associated with finding meaning and fulfillment by pursuing goals and actions that align with a broader, more significant purpose or mission. This higher purpose is usually beyond individual self-interest and can be related to contributing positively to the world, serving others, or pursuing a deeper spiritual or philosophical understanding.

When you feel connected to a higher purpose, you may often experience greater meaning and fulfillment. This sense of purpose can provide motivation during challenging times and inspire resolution toward transforming spiritual goals. When faced with difficulties or setbacks, if you are aligned with a higher purpose, you are more resilient and better able to navigate challenges because you are called by something greater than yourself.

Pursuing a higher purpose involves contributing to the well-being of others or the greater community. As a result, individuals aligned with such a purpose can positively impact society and those around them.

Alignment with a higher purpose encourages us to be authentic and true to ourselves, as their inner values and convictions guide us.                                                                    


Spiritual Singing by Paul Fryer


13. Greater interest in spiritual insights and practices

As you evolve, you may find yourself increasingly drawn to exploring various spiritual practices and ideas. We write about many of them in our ICN essays, especially ones connected to mystical Integral Christianity. However, you may find enrichment from other groups and writers on a similar journey. At ICN we do not presume to think we have a corner on spiritual insight and practice. However, we do seem to incorporate some elements that are missing in other paths. Some of these are the more mystical elements such as energy fields and spirit guides, an upfront foundation in ever-evolving integral Christianity, and reclaiming the parts of the Bible and progressive Christian history consistent with Jesus' teachings as understood today.


14. Joy and Ecstasy

Spiritual joy and ecstasy are profound emotional and psychological experiences that are often associated with spirituality, religious practices, or transcendent moments. They are characterized by intense feelings of happiness, bliss, and a sense of connection to something greater than oneself. These experiences vary widely depending on the individual's beliefs, culture, and spiritual journey.

Joy and ecstasy are intense and exuberant emotions that arise from a sense of delight, pleasure, or fulfillment. It is a feeling of great happiness and can be triggered by various positive experiences, achievements, or moments of connection with others. Joy and bliss are usually more intense and exultant emotions than general happiness. They can be experienced in deep meditative prayer and as a response to both significant events, like achieving a long-term goal, and small, everyday pleasures, like spending time with loved ones or enjoying a beautiful sunset. Joy is often accompanied by smiling, laughter, and a sense of lightness.

Here are some key points to understand about spiritual joy and ecstasy:

Spiritual Connection: These experiences are deeply rooted in a person's spiritual beliefs and practices. They may result from prayer, meditation, worship, religious ceremonies, or moments of profound insight and revelation.

Transcendence: During spiritual joy and ecstasy, individuals often feel a temporary transcendence of their usual state of being. They may feel a sense of oneness with the universe, a higher power, or a profound connection with all living beings.

Emotional Intensity: These experiences can be incredibly intense emotionally. People may report overwhelming feelings of love, peace, bliss, and euphoria. It can be a profound encounter with a sense of divine presence or an indescribable spiritual reality.

Altered States of Consciousness: Spiritual joy and ecstasy can lead to altered states of consciousness, where individuals may feel a detachment from their physical surroundings or a sense of timelessness.

Cultural and Religious Variations: Different cultures and religions have their own ways of experiencing and expressing spiritual joy and ecstasy. Some may involve dancing, chanting, singing, or other forms of ecstatic practices.

Transformational Impact: Experiencing spiritual joy and ecstasy can be transformative, leading individuals to gain new perspectives, increased compassion, and a sense of purpose in life.

Not Always Predictable: While some spiritual seekers actively pursue these experiences through various practices, spiritual joy and ecstasy cannot be easily forced or controlled. They are often considered gifts or blessings that come unexpectedly during a person's spiritual journey.

Integration and Balance: While these ecstatic experiences can be incredibly powerful and uplifting, it's essential to integrate them into daily life and maintain a sense of balance. Grounding practices, self-reflection, and seeking guidance from experienced spiritual mentors can help with integration.

Cautionary Notes: Some ecstatic experiences can be intense and overwhelming, and not everyone may be psychologically prepared to handle them. In some cases, people may misinterpret or exaggerate such experiences, leading to potential risks of spiritual bypassing or dissociation from reality.

It's crucial to approach spiritual joy and ecstasy with an open heart and mind, allowing them to enrich your spiritual growth and understanding. If you seek these experiences, do so with sincerity, patience, and respect for your own beliefs and those of others around you.


The Feminine Face of God


15. You have begun adding new spiritual presences that come to you such as the feminine face of God, in whatever form God She appears to you

If your guides are primarily female, be open to the masculine presence of God in Jesus and other male guides. Although many already find Jesus as a blend of masculine and feminine qualities. If your guides are primarily male, be open to the feminine face of God She in Sophia, Mary, and others.


16. You felt alone until you found a home with others.  NOW YOU ARE BLOWN AWAY!

When awakening begins, you usually feel very alone. Your friends don't understand why you are changing. They may abandon or even attack you. Somewhere along the path you begin to find new spiritual teachers that start to appear and, hopefully, a community of others who are on a similar journey. We don't do well without others to share and connect with. But these others need to be on a similar journey of spiritual awakening and opening to expanded consciousness. When you find these spiritual companions, everything brightens up and begins to fall into place. When we are ready, they show up, and our companions often blow us away!

The necessity of community in spiritual evolution as soon as we are ready for it and can find it is of great importance. A collective plays a crucial role in supporting and enhancing our spiritual growth and development in several ways.

Being part of a spiritual community provides a supportive and nurturing environment where we can share our experiences, struggles, and insights. It offers a sense of belonging and connection, which can be especially helpful during challenging times on our spiritual journey. The encouragement from like-minded individuals can motivate us to continue our exploration and practice.

In a significantly large spiritual collective, we can find experienced practitioners and mentors who can guide those of us who are new to the path. These mentors can offer valuable insights, answer questions, and share their own experiences, providing a roadmap for us to follow and avoid common pitfalls.

Within such a community like ICN, people come from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. This diversity allows for exposure to a broad range of perspectives and practices. It encourages all of us to open our minds and explore various approaches to spirituality, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the uniqueness of individuals on a similar path. 

When engaged with others, practices such as Whole-Body Mystical Awakening can create a powerful and transformative energy. Group meditation, collective devotional practices, resonating prayer, listening to music, and sharing one another's experiences can elevate our experiences and amplify our spiritual journey.

Being part of a community can help us stay on course with our spiritual goals and commitments. The group's collective energy can encourage us to maintain our practices and continue progressing on our awakening.


An evolving and dynamic spiritual community can become a catalyst for personal growth and transformation. Interacting with others in a compassionate, non-judgmental space can heal past wounds and develop greater self-awareness.

Spiritual communities come together to celebrate significant milestones and events, such as festivals, ceremonies, or spiritual retreats. These celebrations foster a sense of joy and gratitude, reinforcing the positive aspects of the spiritual journey.

In summary, the necessity of community in spiritual evolution lies in its ability to provide support, guidance, diverse perspectives, shared practices, encouraging commitment and transformation through relationships. While individual spiritual practice is essential, the collective energy and shared experiences within a community can accelerate and deepen our spiritual growth, leading to a more profound understanding of oneself, others, and the spiritual realm.


Reflection. . .

  1.      Which of these are signs of your current stage of awakening?

    A Strong Connection to Nature
    Expanded Sense of Time and Space
    Alignment with Higher Purpose
    Greater interest in spiritual insights and practices
    Joy and Ecstasy
    Adding new spiritual guides
    You felt alone until you found a home with others

    2.     Which ones are you looking forward to?

    3.     Which ones do you have the least degree of interest for you?



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