Posts tagged Mercy
The Glory of Wombful Mercy

Mercy in a wombful sense is a glorious way of meeting grief. 

A wombful mercy springs forth not from power over, but arises from the depths of sacred Origin. The ever-present beginning-ing that is always happening.

A wombful mercy embraces our grief and holds it in the compassion of deep empathy—with us in the midst of it, from inside the womb. It remains and releases in response to what is embodied here and now. It is able to hold and let go, in the blessedly ripe and right time.

A wombful mercy evokes a more feminine way of meeting pain and dejection, less concerned with fixing or trying to absolve, it stays with us as long as we need in great care.

A wombful mercy is creative and illuminative. It gives birth to new life and wonderous conceptions.

A wombful mercy is communal, helping give birth to a new sense of ourselves. It lets go of “shoulds” for ourselves and others, freeing us into the fullness of our unique, authentic being in divine creativity—held together in communion, 

How might you welcome and embody wombful mercy today and this week?

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